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- We are hiring an assistant/associate professor in NLP for 2025! Please apply or share!
- We are starting a research project on knowledge-based language models, hiring 3 PhD students!
- Our work on contextual reasoning won the Best Student Paper Award at KR 2024
- Our work on rule mining in knowledge graphs won the best demo award of IJCAI 2024.
- A new version of the YAGO knowledge base is available, with a much richer taxonomy (and published at SIGIR)!
- I gave a keynote at the Singapore ACM SIGKDD Symposium 2023, a “well-received invited talk engaging the attendees throughout and concluding to a rousing round of applause”. Thank you for having me!
- From June to September 2023, I was visiting Nanyang Technological University.
- We are honored that the YAGO project as received the French Open Research Award!
- Our paper on Neural Knowledge Base Repairs won the best paper award of ESWC 2021
- I have quit all administrative functions at Institut Polytechnique de Paris in order to have more time for my research projects
Fabian M. SuchanekTélécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Team “Data, Intelligence, and Graphs” (DIG), Office 4C20
19 place Marguerite Perey, 91120 Palaiseau, France
E-Mail: myFirstName@suchanek.name
OpenPGP public key: rsa4096/CAA83288, fingerprint
URL: https://suchanek.name
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