When is the class?

Who can join?
The class is aimed at students and young professionals. Everybody is welcome, whether from Télécom ParisTech or not.How do I join?
Just come to the class! No prior experience in dancing is required, and you do not need to bring a partner. The class is free.You can also subscribe to our Facebook page.
What do I have to bring?

Also, we value personal hygiene:
- Wear a fresh shirt
- Bring and use deodorant
- Bring and use breath-freshener
Where is the class?

Do not use the main entrance of Télécom Paris, but the back entrance for the Foyer des élèves. The address for this particular entrance is 53 rue Vergniaud, 75013 Paris.
The entrance is a big black door on the right of where the cars enter, close to the corner with Rue de Tolbiac (see it on Open Street Maps) You need a code for the door, which we cannot post here. If you come around 19:30 there will be people who will let you in. When you got in, you have to go down the stairs, and the dancing class is to your right.
In case of problems, write an email to X@suchanek.name, where X=fabian.