Fabiana Font


Fabiana is a free SVG-based font tailored for presentations:

In a standards‐compliant browser, this page will already show in Fabiana Font. To check this, see if the letter “i” is rounded at the bottom.

The font was designed with the font-exporting feature of the SVG slide editor PowerLine, and the Svg2ttf font converter. It contains 700 characters, which include the Unicode Basic Latin block, the Latin-1 Supplement, characters for all languages of the European Union except Greek (see below), all Slavic languages, including Cyrillic characters for Russian (Русский), EI transcriptions of Arabic, Vietnamese, and the first 16 combining diacritics. It also contains the Computer Modern glyphs of all Greek characters, some mathematical symbols, and all latin letters in italic. The Computer Modern font was created by Donald Knuth for the LaTeX system, and is in the public domain.

Download WOFF


See Font

Download and Usage

Fabiana NormalWOFFTTFSVG
Fabiana ItalicWOFFTTFSVG
For Web applications, use the WOFF format of the font. It works correctly in all major browsers.

For use at a desktop, use the TTF format of the font. For unknown reasons, it does not correctly kern in Microsoft Word and a number of other applications (while it works fine in Notepad).

The original source of the font is the SVG format of the font.

The bold and italic faces are rarely needed: Browsers will automatically render the font in bold and italic, although the automatic rendering in bold in Firefox is less beautiful.


The Fabiana Font is available under a Creative Commons Attribution license. This license requires a user to give attribution whenever this font is used. When this font is used for a document, it is sufficient to deliver a link to the present page upon request by readers of the document.

This page does not use cookies. This page is free of Javascript.


the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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