The Basics of
Data Security:
Fabian M. Suchanek
Types of cybercrime
Vectors of attack
Protecting yourself
Damage by cybercrime
In 2021, the total damage by cybercrime is estimated at
• have a device infected by a virus or other security threat
• experience debit or credit card fraud
• have an account password compromised
• encountering unauthorized access to or hacking of an email
or social media account
• make a purchase online that turned out to be a scam
• click on a fraudulent email or providing sensitive
(personal/financial) information to a fraudulent email
[Le Monde, 2023-07-10-07]
Damage by cybercrime
Three common types of cybercrime:
1) account hacking (see
other lecture
2) malware
3) theft of personal information
[The Economist, 2024-07-28]
Def: Malware
is any undesired software, in particular:
viruses that delete data (rare...)
adware (e.g., “introductory screens”, toolbars, etc.)
keyloggers (logs your keystrokes and thus knows your
passwords, email content, etc.)
spyware (tracks your activity to target ads or to blackmail you)
software that takes control of your computer to send spam,
host child pornography, or participate in denial of service attacks
ransomware (encrypts your data and you have to pay to decrypt)
is malware that makes your data unusable
by encrypting it, and requests a ransom (=money) to decrypt it.
Def: Ransomware
The cost is not just the ransom, but also
- operational downtime
- higher insurance fees
Some ransomware also threatens to sell the personal information online.
Here: the ransomware “Ragnar Locker”
In some cases, the pirates threaten to publish information about
fraudulent behavior of the company or about the sex life of its bosses.
Theft of personal information
• credit card numbers (-> the thief can buy on your card)
• bank login details (-> the hacker can take your money)
• login information (-> the hacker can access your accounts)
• personal details (-> the hacker can impersonate you)
It is sometimes enough to know your name, your
birthdate, your city of birth, and your address to
- order a new credit card
- reset an account password
- receive new bank credentials
[Le Monde, 2023-07-10-07]
Theft of your ID